


Gre阅读答案 第1篇















Gre阅读答案 第2篇

perspective 透视画法;观点,方法;前景,远景

prospect 前景,景色;前途;勘探,寻找

appreciate 理解,认识,意识到;欣赏;感激

elaborate 精心制作,详细描述;精心制作的

address 从事,忙于; 演讲

appropriate 拨给(资金), 盗用/ 合适的

strain 血统,品系,菌株;紧张,张力;扭伤,拉紧

article 物品,商品

intrigue 激发兴趣;密谋;阴谋

intriguing 激发兴趣的

assume 承担,担任;假装;假设

bark 树皮;犬吠

bill 议案,法案;鸟嘴;账单

champion 支持,拥护;冠军

aging 老化,陈酿

complex 综合体 复杂的

concern 公司(垄断组织“康采恩”就是它的音译)

attribute 归因于;特征,属性

default 不履行;违约;拖欠;默认(值)

drill 钻(孔);训练,操练

exploit 开发,利用 功绩

fair 集市,交易会;公平的,美丽的 公平地,直接地

fairly 相当地,公平地

game 猎物,野味

fashion 形成,塑造 时尚,方式

inviting 引人注目的,吸引人的

alternate 交替,轮流; 交替的

alternating 交互的,交替的

alternative 可供选择的方案(option);选择性的(optional)

Gre阅读答案 第3篇



让我们今天来了解一下什么是主题句,ETS的阅读文章中主题句通常会以什么形式出现。和中国考生自己写作文不一样的是,美国人的阅读文章中从来都不出现"I think that, in my opinion, as far as I am considered"此类语言做主题句。通常来说美国人的主题句有两种形式:



比如一个句子:Your minds changed my 这句话中并没有情态动词和系动词,因此这句话自然不是判断句,也就不是主题句。但只要在这句话中加入一个正负褒贬词,即一个词表明作者的态度或观点的词即是判断句了。比如,Your minds successfully changed my attitude即是判断句了。另外,如果一个句子不是判断句,只要它能够概括文章将来结构,及文章后面会从哪几个方面来说明,也是主题句。比如,People are living longer 这句话一定不是主题句,而如果这句话是,People are living longer now since the improvement of food condition and the development of medical 这句话即是主题句了。因为它概括了文章后面会从哪几个方向来进行说明。

掌握好了主题句判断方法,很多文章学生便可以很快把握文章的结构框架,帮助后面文章的理解。比如一篇文章的开头是,Mycorrhizal fungi infect more plants than do any other fungi and are necessary for many plants to thrive, but they have escaped widespread investigation until recently for two First, the symbiotic association is so well-balanced that the roots of host plants show no damage even when densely Second, the fungi cannot as yet be cultivated in the absence of a living 第一句是明显的判断句,即为主题句。而主题句也同时概括了文章的将来结构,即会从"M真菌影响力很强"和"M真菌过去由于两个原因没有得到广泛研究"。下面马上看到了first和second,我们即知道这两个很难读懂的句子无非是两个原因使得M真菌没有得到广泛研究而已,具体是哪两个原因,我们几乎可以忽略不读。






________,which / who / / / -ing / -ed……,


________,such as / especially……,

因此,我们只要看到第一个逗号之后紧跟着which / who / 介词 / 动名词 / 动词的过去分词 / such as / especially 的情况或两个逗号间仅有纯粹的名词时,那这从第一个逗号开始到后面最临近的标点符号(逗号或句号)间内容一定是插入语,往往可忽略不读。而我们唯一重点需要读的只有句子的"主、谓、宾"。



Gre阅读答案 第4篇

Although the development of new infrastructure (such public facilities as power plants, schools, and bridges) is usually determined by governmental planning, sometimes this development can be planned more flexible and realistically by private investors who anticipate profit from the collection of user fees… the economic boom of the 1980s, for example…The unwillingness of investors to finance this project does not negate the viability of privately financed roads, rather, it illustrates a virtue of private

The primary purpose of the passage

(a)Build a case for increasing the development of new infrastructure

(b)Advocate an alternative to government financing of infrastructure

(c)Explain the failure of a privately financed venture

(d)Suggest the types of infrastructure most appropriate for private financing

(e)Argue against government restrictions on developing new infrastructure

首先我们需要花1分钟左右来预览这篇小文章。预览的要求很简单,不要陷入我上面提到的3大误区(完美主义、过于追求文章的理解、过于追求文章中长难句的语法分析),考生重点关注的应该是确定信息的层次感,即确定那些信息是主要的文章观点和重要考试逻辑点,那么信息是文中的细节例子等支持性信息。第一句中根据Although这个词我们就知道这里是一个让步逻辑,所以这句话应该是重要的逻辑考点。第二句话根据标志词 “for example”考生就应该明确这句话是相对细节例子,所以可以略读或者跳读。第三句话中出现了 “rather”这个词就知道这里有一个明显的转折,那么很有可能这句话是一句作者观点了,下面考生只要预测作者的观点是相对正还是相对负就可以了。后面这句话中有一个明显的 “virtue”, 这个词是美德的意思,那么这里可以解释为优点的意思,所以作者在这里的观点应该是相对为正。所以这句话为作者的主要观点,而对应后面最有可能的题型是应该是目的题。

下面我们来看一道题,The primary purpose of the passage,这道题是考察的是目的,所以和文章的观点的直接相关,刚才考生其实已经在最后一句话中读到了作者的主要观点virtue为相对正。

(a)Build a case for increasing the development of new infrastructure

(b)Advocate an alternative to government financing of infrastructure

(c)Explain the failure of a privately financed venture

(d)Suggest the types of infrastructure most appropriate for private financing

(e)Argue against government restrictions on developing new infrastructure


b选项有一个关键词advocate,这个词对应了文中的 “virtue”, 选项中的alternative to government对应了文中的 “private financing”, 因此b是正确答案

c选项的观点用词是failure, 意思就是绝对反对private financing,这与文中作者观点正好矛盾,所以排除


e Argue against 是反对的意思,与文中作者 “virtue” 相对正向观点矛盾, 另外government restrictions与文中的 “private financing” 不对应,因此不选。


Gre阅读答案 第5篇


Which of following most logically completes the argument?

The last members of a now-extinct species of a European wild deer called the giant dear lived in Ireland about 16,000 years Prehistoric cave paintings in France depict this animal as having a large hump on its Fossils of this animal, however, do not show any Nevertheless, there is no reason to conclude that the cave paintings are therefore inaccurate in this regard, since

A some prehistoric cave paintings in France also depict other animals as having a hump

B fossils of the giant deer are much more common in Ireland than in France

C animal humps are composed of fatty tissue, which dose not fossilize

D the cave paintings of the giant deer were painted well before 16,000 years ago

E only one currently existing species of deer has any anatomical feature that even remotely resembles a hump

Gre阅读答案 第6篇














Gre阅读答案 第7篇



但同时,我们在阅读文章的过程中也常常会碰到这样的一种单词,那就是专有名词,尤其是涉及全文主题的专有名词,难道我们就必须一一认识它?答案显然是否定的。什么叫做认识专有名词?从英到汉的翻译叫做认识?还是知道专有名词的特征叫做认识?我们在阅读理解中有没有遇到过这样的问题提法:What is sedge root? 我想没有,因为这种问法是在问专有名词的翻译。我们遇到的更多是这样的一些问法:According to the passage, which of the following statements about sedge root is true? What can be inferred from the passage about sedge root? 这些问题的提法却是在问专有名词的文中阐述特征。我们再从文章本身对这个问题做出进一步的分析。

假设原文有这样一句话:Sedge root, a woody fiber that can be easily separated into strands, is essential to basketry 请问sedge root的中文翻译“莎草的根” 能够帮助我们解决阅读理解题目吗?我想很难!真正能够帮助我们解决阅读理解题目的应该是这样的文字a woody fiber (木制纤维)和定语从句中的文字部分can be easily separated into strands (能够轻易地被分割成线)。通过以上的分析,想必大家已经非常清楚地认识到,过去我们拼命去死记硬背专有名词的中文释义是多么愚蠢的行为。因为真正的认识应该是对特征的认识,所以一个专有名词和他的中文释义对我们来说是没有任何意义的,毕竟我们对它们都没有任何的概念。

最后很多人都说我们可以从上下文中猜出单词的释义,难道真的是这样么?我认为从上下文中猜出单词的释义是不现实的。例如有这样一句话“Supernova is a massive star which undergoes gravitational ” 我们是不可能从上下文中猜出supernova的释义“超新星”的。而我们真正能够做到的只是从上下文中猜出单词的特征:supernova是巨大的恒星(massive star),它在进行引力收缩(undergoes gravitational collapse)。

Gre阅读答案 第8篇










贬抑,· 轻蔑


带有轻蔑意义的,· 贬低的

贬低,· 低估


轻视,· 鄙视




轻蔑、瞧不· 起

轻视,· 蔑视



蔑视,· 违抗


嘲笑,· 鄙视

降格,· 降级

降级,· 降职

降级,· 贬谪

Gre阅读答案 第9篇

Ban 禁止

Binary 二进制的

Biochemical 生物化学的

Blob 颜料,涂料

Broadly 概括地

Capillary 毛细血管

Capitalistic 资本主义的

Carbonate 碳酸盐

Categorize 分类

Catholic 天主教的

Causal 原因的,构成因果的

Cerebral 大脑的

Choreographer 编舞者

Clash 冲突

Climatological 天气学的

Cline 渐变群,生态群

Codify 整理,使系统化

Cognitive 认知的

Coherence 连贯性

Coherently 前后一致地

Comparatively 相对地

Compensation 补偿

Competitor 竞争者

Concomitant 相伴的,附随的

Condescend 屈尊;以施舍者般高高在上的态度对待

Conducive 有助于…的

Conform 使…一致

Confrontation 冲突

Conifer 针叶树

Consciously 有意地

Consecutive 连续的

Consequent 随之发生的

Conspicuous 引人注目的,明显的

Constellation 星座,星群

Contraction 收缩

Convincingly 令人信服地

Cooperation 合作

Counteract 抵消

Cytoplasm 细胞质

Defenseless 无防御能力的

Deficient 不充分的

Deformation 变形

Degradation 降解

Degrade 降解

Gre阅读答案 第10篇

Unlike the carefully weighted and planned compositions of Dante, Goethe’s writings have always the sense of immediacy and He was a constant experimenter with life, with ideas, and with forms of For the same reason, his works seldom have the qualities of finish or formal beauty which distinguishes the masterpieces of Dante and He came to love the beauties of classicism but these were never an essential part of his Instead, the urgency of the moment, the spirit of the thing, guided his As a result, nearly all his works have serious flaws of structure, of inconsistencies, of excesses and redundancies and

In the large sense, Goethe represents the fullest development of the It has been argued that he should not be so designated because he so clearly matured and outgrew the kind of romanticism exhibited by Wordsworth, Shelly, and Shelly and Keats died young; Wordsworth lived narrowly and abandoned his early In contrast, Goethe lived abundantly and developed his faith in the spirit, his understanding of nature and human nature, and his reliance on feelings as man’s essential motivating The result was an all-encompassing vision of reality and a philosophy of life broader and deeper than the partial visions and attitudes of other Yet the spirit of youthfulness, the impatience with close reasoning or "logic-chopping," and the continued faith in nature remained his to the end, together with an occasional waywardness and impulsiveness and a disregard of artistic or logical propriety which savor strongly of romantic Since so many twentieth-century thoughts and attitudes are similarly based on the stimulus of the Romantic Movement, Goethe stands as particularly the poet of modern times as Dante stood for medieval times and as Shakespeare for the

author’s attitude towards Goethe’s writing is best described as

unqualified endorsement

lofty indifference

reluctant tolerance

measured admiration

undisguised contempt

characteristic of romanticism NOT mentioned in this passage is its

elevation of nature

preference for spontaneity

modernity of ideas

unconcern for artistic decorum

simplicity of language

can be inferred from the passage that classicism has which of the following characteristics?

Sensitivity toward emotional promptings

Emphasis on formal artistic criteria

Meticulous planning of artistic works



正确的答案:B C

Gre阅读答案 第11篇


Passage 21

Elements of the Philosophy of Newton, published by Voltaire in 1738, was an early attempt to popularize the scientific ideas of Isaac In the book’s frontispiece, Voltaire is seen writing at his desk, and over him a shaft of light from heaven, the light of truth, passes through Newton to Voltaire’s collaborator Madame du Ch?telet; she reflects that light onto the inspired Voltaire’s book commanded a wide audience, according to Feingold, because “he was neither a mathematician nor a physicist, but a literary giant aloof from the academic disputes over Newtonian ” In other words, Voltaire’s amateurism in science “was a source of his contemporary appeal, demonstrating for the first time the accessibility of Newton’s ideas to ”

For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that

Which of the following statements about Voltaire’s Elements of the Philosophy of Newton can be inferred from the passage?

Voltaire’s literary stature helped secure a large audience for this attempt to popularize Newton’s

Voltaire’s status as a nonscientist was an advantage in this effort to bring Newtonian science to the attention of the general

The frontispiece of the book implies that Voltaire’s understanding of Newton’s ideas was not achieved without

Select the sentence that describes an allegory for Voltaire’s acquisition of knowledge concerning Newton’s

Gre阅读答案 第12篇

Maya 旱灾

To understand the ancient Mayan people who lived in the area that is today southern Mexico and Central America and the ecological difficulties they faced, one must first consider their environment, which we think of as “jungle" or "tropical " This view is inaccurate, and the reason proves to be Properly speaking, tropical rainforests grow in high-rainfall equatorial areas that remain wet or humid all year But the Maya homeland lies more than sixteen hundred kilometers from the equator, at latitudes 17 to 22 degrees north, in a habitat termed a “seasonal tropical " That is, while there does tend to be a rainy season from May to October, there is also a dry season from January through If one focuses on the wet months, one calls the Maya homeland a "seasonal tropical forest"; if one focuses on the dry months, one could instead describe it as a "seasonal ”

From north to south in the Yucatan Peninsula, where the Maya lived, rainfall ranges from 18 to 100 inches (457 to 2,540 millimeters) per year, and the soils become thicker, so that the southern peninsula was agriculturally more productive and supported denser But rainfall in the Maya homeland is unpredictably variable between years; some recent years have had three or four times more rain than other As a result, modern farmers attempting to grow corn in the ancient Maya homelands have faced frequent crop failures, especially in the The ancient Maya were presumably more experienced and did better, but nevertheless they too must have faced risks of crop failures from droughts and

Although southem Maya areas received more rainfall than northern areas, problems of water were paradoxically more severe in the wet While that made things hard for ancient Maya living in the south, it has also made things hard for modem archaeologists who have difficulty understanding why ancient droughts caused bigger problems in the wet south than in the dry The likely explanation is that an area of underground freshwater underlies the Yucatan Peninsula, but surface elevation increases from north to south, so that as one moves south the land surface lies increasingly higher above the water In the northern peninsula the elevation is sufficiently low that the ancient Maya were able to reach the water table at deep sinkholes called cenotes, or at deep In low-elevation north coastal areas without sinkholes, the Maya would have been able to get down to the water table by digging wells up to 75 feet (22 meters) But much of the south lies too high above the water table for cenotes or wells to reach down to Making matters worse, most of the Yucatan Peninsula consists of karst, a porous sponge-like limestone terrain where rain runs straight into the ground and where little or no surface water remains

How did those dense southern Maya populations deal with the resulting water problem? It initially surprises us that many of their cities were not built next to the rivers but instead on high terrain in rolling The explanation is that the Maya excavated depressions, or modified natural depressions, and then plugged up leaks in the karst by plastering the bottoms of the depressions in order to create reservoirs, which collected rain from large plastered catchment basins and stored it for use in the dry example, reservoirs at the Maya city of Tikal held enough water to meet the drinking water needs of about 10,000 people for a period of 18 At the city of Coba the Maya built dikes around a lake in order to raise its level and make their water supply more But the inhabitants of Tikal and other cities dependent on reservoirs for drinking water would still have been in deep trouble if 18 months passed without rain in a prolonged A shorter drought in which they exhausted their stored food supplies might already have gotten them in deep trouble, because growing crops required rain rather than

Gre阅读答案 第13篇



Policymakers must confront the dilemma that fossil fuels continue to be an indispensable source of energy even though burning them produces atmospheric accumulations of carbon dioxide that increase the likelihood of potentially disastrous global climate Currently, technology that would capture carbon dioxide emitted by power plants and sequester it harmlessly underground or undersea instead of releasing it into the atmosphere might double the cost of generating But because sequestration does not affect the cost of electricity transmission and distribution, delivered prices will rise less, by no more than 50 Research into better technologies for capturing carbon dioxide will undoubtedly lead to lowered

The passage implies which of the following about the current cost of generating electricity?

It is higher than it would be if better technologies for capturing carbon dioxide were

It is somewhat less than the cost of electricity transmission and

It constitutes at most half of the delivered price of

It is dwelt on by policymakers to the exclusion of other costs associated with electricity

It is not fully recovered by the prices charged directly to electricity


环保技术(technology that would capture carbon dioxide emitted by power plants and sequester it harmlessly underground or undersea instead of releasing it into the atmosphere)增加一倍发电成本(double the cost of generating electricity)。环保技术不改变传输成本(the cost of electricity transmission and distribution)。最终价格(delivered prices)增加不超过50%。

Gre阅读答案 第14篇




























Gre阅读答案 第15篇

Absurd 不合理的,奇怪的

Accentuate 强调

Accessibility 可达性,可及性

Accompaniment 伴奏

Acknowledgement 承认

Acquaint 熟知,了解

Activist 政治激进主义者

Adaptability 适应性

Adjacent 邻近的

Adjustment 调整

Admonish 告诫

Adulthood 成年

Aerodynamic 空气动力学的

Aesthetically 从美学观点上

Affirm 证实

Akin 类似的

Albeit 尽管

Align 调整,排列

Alignment 结盟

Alkali 碱

Allusion 暗示

Ambivalent 矛盾的,正反感情并存的

Amnestic 遗忘的

Ancestral 祖先的,祖传的

Anthropological 人类学的

Antipathy 憎恶,反感

Antiquity 古代

Appeasement 平息,缓和

Appraise 评价

Appropriateness 恰当性

Apt 易于…的

Arbitrarily 任意地

Archaeology 考古学

Archaic 古代的

Archival 档案的

Ascribe 认为,把…归于

Assault 抨击

Astound 使…震惊

Asymmetric 不对称的

Aurora 极光

Authentic 真实的,可信的

Authorial 作者的

Avoidance 避免

Bacterium 细菌

Gre阅读答案 第16篇







沉默的,· 无言的


谨慎,· 话语不· 多,· 储备·

说话不· 多的

















狮身人面像,· 谜一样的人


神秘的,· 难解的

Gre阅读答案 第17篇


Passage 6

I enjoyed A Dream of Light & Shadow: Portraits of Latin American Women Writers for the same reasons that, as a child, I avidly consumed women’s biographies: the fascination with how the biographical details of another female’s life are represented and

A Dream offers a rich read, varied in both the lives and texts of the women portrayed, and the perspectives and styles of the sixteen Yet, as an adult, I have come to demand of any really “great” book a self-consciousness about the tenuous nature of representations of reality, a critical contextualization of florid detail, and a self-awareness of the role of ideology in our In these critical senses, A Dream is

For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that

The author of the passage suggests that A Dream falls short in which of the following respects?

It does not appear to recognize that representations of reality can be

It seems to focus on stylistic variety at the expense of accuracy of

It offers a wealth of detail without sufficient critical examination of that

Which of the following best describes the function of the second sentence (“A Dream . . . essayists”) in the context of the passage as a whole?

To give examples of how A Dream presents fascinating portraits that display awareness of the tenuous nature of representations of reality

To elaborate on how A Dream fulfills the author’s childhood criteria for a pleasurable book

To suggest that the author enjoyed A Dream for reasons more sophisticated than the reasons she enjoyed certain books as a child

To illustrate ways in which the author finds A Dream to be inadequate in certain critical senses

To imply that A Dream is too varied in focus to provide a proper contextualization of the biographical details it offers

Gre阅读答案 第18篇

The passage addresses which of the following issues related to Glass’s use of popular elements in his classical compositions?

How it is regarded by listeners who prefer rock to the classics

How it has affected the commercial success of Class’s music

Whether it has contributed to a revival of interest among other composers in using popular elements in their compositions

Whether it has had a detrimental effect on Glass’s reputation as a composer of classical music

Whether it has caused certain of Glass’s works to be derivative in quality

The passage suggests that Glass’s work displays which of the following qualities?

A return to the use of popular music in classical compositions

An attempt to elevate rock music to an artistic status more closely approximating that of classical music

A long-standing tendency to incorporate elements from two apparently disparate musical styles

Select the sentence that distinguishes two ways of integrating rock and classical

Gre阅读答案 第19篇


Passage 1

Reviving the practice of using elements of popular music in classical composition, an approach that had been in hibernation in the United States during the 1960s, composer Philip Glass (born 1937) embraced the ethos of popular music without imitating Glass based two symphonies on music by rock musicians David Bowie and Brian Eno, but the symphonies’ sound is distinctively Popular elements do not appear out of place in Glass’s classical music, which from its early days has shared certain harmonies and rhythms with rock Yet this use of popular elements has not made Glass a composer of popular His music is not a version of popular music packaged to attract classical listeners; it is high art for listeners steeped in rock rather than the

Gre阅读答案 第20篇


Passage 5

Since the Hawaiian Islands have never been connected to other land masses, the great variety of plants in Hawaii must be a result of the long-distance dispersal of seeds, a process that requires both a method of transport and an equivalence between the ecology of the source area and that of the recipient

There is some dispute about the method of transport Some biologists argue that ocean and air currents are responsible for the transport of plant seeds to Yet the results of flotation experiments and the low temperatures of air currents cast doubt on these More probable is bird transport, either externally, by accidental attachment of the seeds to feathers, or internally, by the swallowing of fruit and subsequent excretion of the While it is likely that fewer varieties of plant seeds have reached Hawaii externally than internally, more varieties are known to be adapted to external than to internal

The author of the passage is primarily concerned with

discussing different approaches biologists have taken to testing theories about the distribution of plants in Hawaii

discussing different theories about the transport of plant seeds to Hawaii

discussing the extent to which air currents are responsible for the dispersal of plant seeds to Hawaii

resolving a dispute about the adaptability of plant seeds to bird transport

resolving a dispute about the ability of birds to carry plant seeds long distances

The author mentions the results of flotation experiments on plant seeds (lines 7–8) most probably in order to

support the claim that the distribution of plants in Hawaii is the result of the long-distance dispersal of seeds

lend credibility to the thesis that air currents provide a method of transport for plant seeds to Hawaii

suggest that the long-distance dispersal of seeds is a process that requires long periods of time

challenge the claim that ocean currents are responsible for the transport of plant seeds to Hawaii

refute the claim that Hawaiian flora evolved independently from flora in other parts of the world

Gre阅读答案 第21篇

D 9504

Many objects in daily use have clearly been influenced by science, but their form and function, their dimensions and appearance, were determined by technologists, artisans, designers, inventors, and engineers—using non-scientific modes of Many features and qualities of the objects that a technologist thinks about cannot be reduced to unambiguous verbal descriptions; they are dealt with in the mind by a visual, nonverbal In the development of Western technology, it has been non-verbal thinking, by and large, that has fixed the outlines and filled in the details of our material Pyramids, cathedrals, and rockets exist not because of geometry or thermodynamics, but because they were first a picture in the minds of those who built

The creative shaping process of a technologist’s mind can be seen in nearly every artifact that For example, in designing a diesel engine, a technologist might impress individual ways of nonverbal thinking on the machine by continually using an intuitive sense of rightness and What would be the shape of the combustion chamber? Where should the valves be placed? Should it have a long or short piston? Such questions have a range of answers that are supplied by experience, by physical requirements, by limitations of available space, and not least by a sense of Some decisions, such as wall thickness and pin diameter, may depend on scientific calculations, but the nonscientific component of design remains

Design courses, then, should be an essential element in engineering Nonverbal thinking, a central mechanism in engineering design, involves perceptions, the stock-in-trade of the artist, not the Because perceptive processes are not assumed to entail “hard thinking,” nonverbal thought is sometimes seen as a primitive stage in the development of cognitive processes and inferior to verbal or mathematical But it is paradoxical that when the staff of the Historic American Engineering Record wished to have drawings made of machines and isometric views of industrial processes for its historical record of American engineering, the only college students with the requisite abilities were not engineering students, but rather students attending architectural

If courses in design, which in a strongly analytical engineering curriculum provide the background required for practical problem-solving, are not provided, we can expect to encounter silly but costly errors occurring in advanced engineering For example, early models of high-speed railroad cars loaded with sophisticated controls were unable to operate in a snowstorm because a fan sucked snow into the electrical Absurd random failures that plague automatic control systems are not merely trivial aberrations; they are a reflection of the chaos that results when design is assumed to be primarily a problem in

In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with

(A) identifying the kinds of thinking that are used by technologists

(B) stressing the importance of nonverbal thinking in engineering design

(C) proposing a new role for nonscientific thinking in the development of technology

(D) contrasting the goals of engineers with those of technologists

(E) criticizing engineering schools for emphasizing science in engineering curricula

It can be inferred that the author thinks engineering curricula are

(A) strengthened when they include courses in design

(B) weakened by the substitution of physical science courses for courses designed to develop mathematical skills

(C) strong because nonverbal thinking is still emphasized by most of the courses

(D) strong despite the errors that graduates of such curricula have made in the development of automatic control systems

(E) strong despite the absence of nonscientific modes of thinking

of the following statements best illustrates the main point of lines 1-28 of the passage?

(A) When a machine like a rotary engine malfunctions, it is the technologist who is best equipped to repair

(B) Each component of an automobile—for example, the engine or the fuel tank—has a shape that has been scientifically determined to be best suited to that component’s

(C) A telephone is a complex instrument designed by technologists using only nonverbal

(D) The designer of a new refrigerator should consider the designs of other refrigerators before deciding on its final

(E) The distinctive features of a suspension bridge reflect its designer’s conceptualization as well as the physical requirements of its

of the following statements would best serve as an introduction to the passage?

(A) The assumption that the knowledge incorporated in technological developments must be derived from science ignores the many non-scientific decisions made by

(B) Analytical thought is no longer a vital component in the success of technological

(C) As knowledge of technology has increased, the tendency has been to lose sight of the important role played by scientific thought in making decisions about form, arrangement, and

(D) A movement in engineering colleges toward a technician’s degree reflects a demand for graduates who have the nonverbal reasoning ability that was once common among

(E) A technologist thinking about a machine, reasoning through the successive steps in a dynamic process, can actually turn the machine over

The author calls the predicament faced by the Historic American Engineering Record “paradoxical” (lines 36-37) most probably because

(A) the publication needed drawings that its own staff could not make

(B) architectural schools offered but did not require engineering design courses for their students

(C) college students were qualified to make the drawings while practicing engineers were not

(D) the drawings needed were so complicated that even students in architectural schools had difficulty making them

(E) engineering students were not trained to make the type of drawings needed to record the development of their own discipline

According to the passage, random failures in automatic control systems are “not merely trivial aberrations” (lines 53) because

(A) automatic control systems are designed by engineers who have little practical experience in the field

(B) the failures are characteristic of systems designed by engineers relying too heavily on concepts in mathematics

(C) the failures occur too often to be taken lightly

(D) designers of automatic control systems have too little training in the analysis of mechanical difficulties

(E) designers of automatic control systems need more help from scientists who have a better understanding of the analytical problems to be solved before such systems can work efficiently

The author uses the example of the early models of high-speed railroad cars primarily to

(A) weaken the argument that modern engineering systems have major defects because of an absence of design courses in engineering curricula

(B) support the thesis that the number of errors in modern engineering systems is likely to increase

(C) illustrate the idea that courses in design are the most effective means for reducing the cost of designing engineering systems

(D) support the contention that a lack of attention to the nonscientific aspects of design results in poor conceptualization by engineers

(E) weaken the proposition that mathematics is a necessary part of the study of design


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